I finally put together a compost made of wire mesh and clipped together at the ends. I pounded a stake in the middle to hopefully keep the waste material together as it piles up.
Here it is with my first compost offering.
I also baked bread from a recipe that appeared in the first issue of Down to the Roots magazine (I had to extend the baking time). I never have much luck with bread, but this one turned out well. I did use the bread maker to knead the dough which possibly accounts to the success of the baked product.
2 cups warm water
4 cups whole wheat flour
2 1/2 Tbsp sugar
2 tsp salt
1 handful rolled oats
2 1/2 tsp yeast
Put in bread machine at whole wheat setting to knead. Remove when finished and knead by hand on a floured board. Bake at 375 for approx 30 minutes.
I also managed to get in a batch of yogurt. I think I will try straining it this time to see what a yogurt cheese is like. I have been interested in cheese making for some time, but it seems like a scary undertaking. The latest issue of Mother Earth News has a great article about it - and now it doesn't seem (quite) so difficult.
I love living here and seeing the wildlife that lives with us on the acreage. This little guy has been hanging around and appears quite comfortable cozied up underneath our vehicles. He and another rabbit have done this numerous times over the past week.
Husband has also seen tracks of a deer and her fawn near the lagoon, but we have not actually seen them. It makes me happy knowing that they are here... until they begin nibbling on my garden produce that is.
Here is a photo of the inside of the green house with the tomatoes on either side.
In the back I purchased some cucumbers as I have a feeling the cukes I started (late) may be too late to mature. I also bought some basil and dill pictured here and other herbs as well.
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