Thursday, April 2, 2009


Kaiser at 8 months old
(Shadowdale's Northern Emperor)

Going for a walk (in the snow.... again)


Mary said...

Hey! It's Mary! I was wondering what you think of boxers and younger children, are they too rough or really good? We are going to get turtle a dog and I LOVE boxers, but she is only 1 1/2 so, I wondered. Please let me know. Kaiser is very handsome!

Ruthy said...

Kaiser ist ja ein schöner Hund.
Sag mal, habt Ihr immer noch Schnee? Bei uns ist alles weg. Nur bei den Schwiegereltern war letzten Samstag noch ca. 1 m Schnee, aber die leben in Österreich.
Liebe Grüße, Ruthy

Carpe Diem said...

Hi Mary,

Kaiser is our 5th Boxer - we used to show them. We have had boxers since our kids were babies. They are extremely good with children, though can be a little excitable and knock the kids down sometimes. You can overcome this with good training. You really can't get a better family dog. They love people and always want to be with you.

Carpe Diem said...

Hallo Ruthy!

Ja, wir haben IMMER NOCH Schnee! Bei mir im Garten habe ich ungefaehr 1 metre oder mehr. Meinem Mann will unbedingt im Garten arbeiten, und diesen Wochenend will er einen neuen Gewaechshaus bauen. Der Fruehling kommt nicht schnell genug!