I feel like I am being consumed by paperwork. It is almost 2 years now since we moved in and I have to get my paperwork together to claim back the GST we paid on building the house and landscaping last summer. I spent most of yesterday sorting out and calculating receipts, and will be finishing it off today.
Then I need to get my business GST and bookwork in order for the close approaching tax season.
I also need to update our household budget that I have let slide over the past 2 weeks or so, and organize last year's paid bills and paperwork.
Mountains of paperwork! It is my own fault, I know. I hate having to deal with paperwork so I procrastinate until it MUST be done and by then it feels like an overwhelming mountain.

oh how i agree with you.. paperwork, is just that, WORK!!! i just finished a bunch of mine, getting ready for the dreaded taxman... sigh... the scrape paper is good for my compost or firestarter ;)
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