Friday, September 9, 2011


With our wet, cold summer the garden hasn't been doing very well.  The peas, beans, carrots, potatoes, zucchini and leek are growing in abundance (obviously liking all the rain) and the rest of the produce growth seems pretty stagnant. 

The one huge surprise is GRAPES!  Though in our climate we have to cheat so the vines are in the greenhouse.  Husband planted them and this is the third year of growth.  Last year I think we shared 5 grapes between the family.  But this year we will have a bumper crop!  Grape jelly is soon to be on the way...


dr momi said...

Would never have thought about grapes in the greenhouse! I canned grape juice one year, the grandkids just loved it.

Susan said...

What a great idea! Climate control and no birds to get there first!

Anonymous said...

That is so great that you are having a good grape year! What kind are they? Concord??

Annie over at

Jody said...

Those are some great looking grapes. What variety are they? We picked grapes from a nearby vineyard for wine. We'd love to grow our own too. Enjoy the jelly! It sounds delicious.