Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday in Pictures

Last day of the pigs.  They had their "appointment" today.

The geese don't mind the snow

The new flock of ducks.  The mallard is on the far left.

The geese decided that the fences are down and they are allowed in the garden. 

Quickly harvesting the leeks.  Also picked the kale, carrots and parsnips.

The Plymouth Barred Rocks in their new pen



dr momi said...

Absolutely love the picture of the piggies! :-)

Annie said...

Great pig picture! Have you had any to eat yet?

Carpe Diem said...

I thought the photo was good too! We just picked up the pork yesterday and our freezer is FULL! The pig we kept ended up being 255 lbs live weight.

Annie said...

That's great and you'll all enjoying eating that yumminess!