Friday, April 6, 2012


Do you use Kijiji?  In my community it is the online buying and selling forum to use.  One always hears about Craigslist, but it has never really caught on here.  Kijiji is the way to go!

Last year we used it to sell our ducklings and chicks, and to purchase our pigs.  I usually check it everyday to see what has been posted in the livestock section.  I like to see what is being sold... mini horses, goats, cattle, pigs, chickens and the like.

Through Kijij, I have contacted a lady out west who will be selling rabbits in May (and she will deliver!).  It is something we have been debating about since moving here; whether we should raise some meat rabbits.  I am hoping to get a breeding pair of New Zealands and also a pair of Flemish Giants from her.

New Zealand Rabbit
Flemish Giant Rabbit


Jody said...

You won't believe this, but we just began raising rabbits for meat ourselves. We have Chinchilla Giants and... I can't remember the second breed. We lost one brood and are expecting a new brood in about 6 weeks. We're truly hoping for a harvest of meat! Rabbit meat is very healthy meat! I say go for it. I don't think you'll regret it.

The Cranky said...

I've been looking into rabbits as well, not only do they provide healthy meat but they provide Lots of compostable stuff.

Stoney Creek Homestead said...

We use Kijiji all the time. Hubby looks for farm equipment, son looks for used trucks, daughter is always in the livestock section.

Unknown said...

Kijiji's fantastic. Love it. Lots of rabbits on there, too. You just have to use some common sense and know when something's too good to be true. Or, for that matter, too bad to be false. I'm partial to the latter, which is why I collect the worst ads at, but you seem smarter than the average bear. Drop by for a chuckle when you're not picking up bargains!