The past couple of days have been cold and windy. The sun is shining (but still windy)this morning and I'm going to go for a walk before heading into town and the office.
Our Boxer, Kaiser, is very puzzled as to why there is a rooster living in our garage. He always walks over to the brooder box, lifts his nose and takes a good long sniff, then has a funny look on his face (yes Boxers can do that!) The garage is attached to the house close to the kitchen. It is definately a different experience to be eating breakfast at the table and hear the rooster crowing 'inside' the house! :)
On Sunday we also put 17 Americauna eggs into the incubator. I really don't know if they are fertilized or not, but I'm giving it a try anyway. I guess in 3 weeks we will either have chicks running around or not.
Of course the incubator is in the garage, along with all the bedding plants Husband started, and the rooster. I guess the garage is an all purpose room which also houses the Bobcat, tractor, freezers, and sundry items. Hmmm, I wonder if I'll ever get my car parked in there...
I see we have had a number of new follower over the past week or so. Thank you for visiting our site and welcome!
Lemon Delight
2 hours ago
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