On Boxing Day it snowed. And snowed and snowed and snowed some more. We did not go out to shovel - we played Scrabble instead and watched it float to earth. The next day Husband took out the tractor and blowed the snow off the driveway and I shovelled the walkways. That is when we realized we had gotten another 30cm (12 inches). I am very thankful that husband convinced me we needed to purchased the snowblower attachment for the tractor. He can get the driveway and way to the compost cleared in about half an hour! It certainly saves a lot of back breaking shovelling.
- Finished the new house (still some siding, soffits and eavestroughing to put up)
- Moved in
- Began fencing
- Renovated old house
- Rented old house
- Landscaping/levelling of yard around the house
- Brought in sandy loam for the yard
- Laid some sod in front of house
- Cleared garden area for spring 2009
- Set up green house
- Did some container gardening
- Did some canning
- Son made honour roll first year of high school
- Daughter has made a large amount of babysitting contacts/job
- Made cheese for the first time
- Tried to cook most things from scratch
- Recycled most of our waste - I only take one small bag of garbage to the land fill a week
- Poured the garage floor and have begun setting up shelving/storage areas in December (yeah! I have some closet space again)